German Minister Robert Habeck Visits Norway to Discuss Hydrogen Import Infrastructure Plan

German Minister Robert Habeck Visits Norway to Discuss Hydrogen Import Infrastructure Plan

German Minister of Economy Robert Habeck visited Norway to discuss the possibilities of establishing a large-scale hydrogen import infrastructure from Norway to Germany. The plan is to replace coal with hydrogen in steelworks and gas in gas power plants, while carbon dioxide from German industry will be stored underground in Norway. This partnership is expected to provide Germany with up to 10 Gigawatts of hydrogen by 2038, including blue hydrogen, which still requires natural gas for production. Habeck believes that this project has potential and that there is no time to waste.

Hydrogen’s Versatility

Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe, making up 75% of all matter. It is also the lightest element and can be used in a variety of ways. Hydrogen can be used to create energy through fuel cells, which combine hydrogen and oxygen to produce electricity. It can also be used as an alternative fuel for vehicles, providing a clean-burning, renewable energy source. Additionally, it is a component of many organic compounds, such as water and carbohydrates. Finally, hydrogen has potential uses in medicine as a potential treatment for cancer. Hydrogen’s versatility makes it an invaluable resource for our planet and its inhabitants.
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Picture source: Jason Blackeye

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