Hamburg to Lead the Way in Climate Protection with Phasing Out of Combustion Engine Taxis by 2025

Hamburg to Lead the Way in Climate Protection with Phasing Out of Combustion Engine Taxis by 2025

Hamburg is set to become the first German state to phase out combustion engine taxis by 2025. This move is aimed at reducing CO2 emissions and promoting climate protection. Currently, 12% of Hamburg’s taxis are electrical or hydrogen-powered, and it is estimated that 25,000 tons of CO2 could be saved annually if the entire fleet is electrified. The project „Zukunftstaxi“ has already been launched in 2021 to support the switch to locally emission-free taxis. 80% of these vehicles are managed by FREE NOW Germany & Austria, with positive feedback from business owners and passengers alike.

Climate Protection and Renewable Energy

Climate protection is an urgent global issue, with the potential to significantly reduce the impacts of climate change. One key strategy for reducing emissions is the increased use of renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, and hydropower. Renewable energy sources produce no greenhouse gases and can help reduce our dependence on fossil fuels. To make a meaningful impact, governments must invest in renewable energy infrastructure and incentivize businesses to make the switch from fossil fuels to clean energy sources. In doing so, we can move closer to a low-carbon future that will benefit both people and planet.
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Picture source: Jason Blackeye

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