Clean Power Hydrogen Plc Shares Surge 5.8% During Mid-Day Trading
Shares of Clean Power Hydrogen Plc (LON:CPH2) rose 5.8% during mid-day trading on Tuesday. A total of 382,587 shares were traded, a 162% increase from the average session volume of 146,226 shares. The company has a market cap of £85.89 million and a PE ratio of -0.89 with a 50-day moving average price of GBX 38.16 and a two-hundred day moving average price of GBX 41.65. Clean Power Hydrogen plc is a green hydrogen technology and manufacturing company that develops hydrogen and oxygen production solutions and provides membrane-free electrolyser technology which produces green hydrogen and oxygen in medical grade purity for power, industry and manufacturing, transportation and machinery, commercial and retail, and hydroculture markets.
The Benefits of Clean Power Hydrogen and Green Hydrogen
Clean power hydrogen and green hydrogen are two of the most promising forms of renewable energy. Clean power hydrogen is produced through electrolysis, while green hydrogen is produced through renewable sources such as solar, wind, or hydroelectricity. Both forms of hydrogen offer a number of benefits to the environment. For example, clean power hydrogen produces zero emissions when burned, while green hydrogen can reduce greenhouse gas emissions by up to 95%. Additionally, the cost of producing clean power and green hydrogen has decreased significantly in recent years, making it more affordable for consumers. In fact, the cost of producing one kilogram of clean power or green hydrogen has dropped from $6.50 per kilogram in 2010 to just $2.50 per kilogram in 2020. With these benefits in mind, it’s no wonder why so many countries are investing heavily in clean power and green hydrogen technologies.You might also like this article: Overview of the most important AgTech investors in the world. Picture source: Federico Beccari