Hamburg Takes Bold Step Towards Climate Protection with Ban on Combustion Engine Taxis

Hamburg Takes Bold Step Towards Climate Protection with Ban on Combustion Engine Taxis

Hamburg has introduced a new Climate Protection Law which bans combustion engine taxis from its streets. Verkehrssenator Anjes Tjarks unveiled plans to accelerate the electrification of taxi fleets in the city, where 25 Toyota Mirai cars powered by hydrogen will be granted a concession. The Senator also announced that from 2025 onwards, only emissions-free vehicles will be allowed for passenger transportation, including Sammeldienste, Uber and shuttle services.

Climate Protection Through Renewable Energy

Climate protection is a critical issue facing our planet today. To help reduce the effects of climate change, it is important to transition away from fossil fuels and towards renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, and geothermal power. These renewable energy sources are not only better for the environment, but they can also be cost effective when implemented in the right way. By investing in renewable energy sources now, we can make sure that future generations have access to clean and affordable energy while helping to protect the planet from further damage caused by climate change.
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Picture source: Sharon Pittaway

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